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Mullen is excited to offer our incoming students the opportunity to participate in the Summer Bridge Program on campus during the summer of 2024.

We strive to build a community that will create opportunities for students to meet new people, 建立关系, and advance their academic prowess before entering their first year a Mullen.





This summer enrichment session is designed to allow the participants to review and reinforce the major concepts of the Algebra 1 课程. These skills are necessary for success in all math courses succeed Algebra I at 大发彩票平台登录. Students will review simplifying algebraic expressions (including 幂和指数, 绝对值, 理性和激进表达式), 求解方程(线性), 绝对值, 二次, 和激进的), and solving linear inequalities and systems of linear equations. 除了, students will review graphing and writing equations for linear, 绝对值, 二次函数, as well as evaluate and write equations for exponential growth and decay functions.

* On the last day of the 2-week session students will have an option/opportunity to re-test for placement in honors Algebra 1, 或几何.

This summer enrichment session is a course designed to preview the scientific skills to be used throughout your 4 years at 大发彩票平台登录. Students will learn and practice the order of operations, 10次幂的数学运算, 科学符号和标准符号之间的转换. Students will be exposed to the metric system, prefix notation, and unit conversion. Students will learn about significant figures, precision, and accuracy. 除了, students will work with scientific formulas and analyze graphs and data tables. Take this class to get a jumpstart on your science classes and prepare for your freshman year at Mullen!

“起初”是《大发彩票平台登录》中的第一个词. This course is designed for students who are at their beginning with Roman Catholic Studies. 开放给所有信仰背景的学生, this course is a welcoming opportunity for incoming freshmen to learn the basics of Catholicism. 老师将促进小组讨论, 在入门阶段复习神学概念, and teach skills (such as navigating scripture) that will benefit students during their religious studies at Mullen. 


This summer enrichment session is designed to allow the participants to review those concepts from Pre-Algebra that will give them a “jump start” into Algebra 1 as well as preview Algebra 1 topics. 学生将复习的主题, and preview will include simplifying algebraic expressions (order of operations, 分配率, 幂和指数, 和理性表达式), 求解线性方程和不等式, 函数关系概论, 用斜率和模式来画线性方程.


Students will be introduced to Mullen calendars, expectations, technology, and apps. 除了, they will engage in this quick workshop to learn about themselves as students (readers, 考生, 学习习惯), 同时熟悉他们的学习方式, 人格特质, 自我辩护技巧. The goal of this two-week course is to empower students to learn how they learn, 研究, 和测试, and to develop strong success strategies to use as new students and throughout their time as Mullen students.


All students enrolled in freshman DLS classes are invited to attend the DLS Summer Academy. These sessions are designed to aid in the transition into their freshman year of high school. Summer Academy consists of a review session for English and Math as well as a 研究 skills session.  Students enrolled in the 德拉萨 program are invited to  “Solid Grounds” for theological studies at Mullen. The teacher will prepare students by reviewing important foundational skills and frontloading information that they will encounter during their four years of theology classes. 通过直接指导和小组合作, 学生将研读圣经, familiarize themselves with the meaning behind concepts, 探索信仰. 


  • 卓越传统

    自1931年以来, 大发彩票平台登录 has provided students with a sound college preparatory education in nurturing surroundings.  We extend this spirit and dedication to our 夏天的桥梁 Academy. 
  • 个性化的项目

    没有两个孩子是一样的. 每个人都带着许多兴趣和才能来到大发彩票平台身边. He or she may excel in one area yet need to develop skills in another. Our summer programs offer diverse academics and workshops to satisfy each young person’s interests, 激情, 和目标. 大发彩票平台的班级很小, 平均12名学生, and the variety of offerings allows them to stay on campus for an hour, 一天的一部分, 或者一整天.
  • 专门的老师

    Our teachers are selected for their creativity, enthusiasm, and dedication. They know how to work with children to bring out their best. 

